
Mama said "Dang"

So, it seems that somewhere in the past few days, I said something that I shouldn't, or at least something that Sam doesn't think I should have said. Just yesterday, Sam was having lunch and out of the blue says, "Mama said Dang." I must have looked confused, because he said it again and again, until I started laughing a little and asked him what he was talking about. Of course, he is two and cannot really explain to me when or where he heard me say "dang", but in his little mind, I obviously needed to ask for forgiveness. So, I did and he said "ok". You might be thinking to yourself why in the world did Loran say "dang" of all words. I admit, I am thankful I didn't say something else that he feels compelled to exclaim to anyone who will listen, but for those of you who have seen the movie Joe Dirt, you will know where this phrase comes from. Joe Dirt is a movie about the adventures of this redneck, starring David Spade. It is probably one of Rob's favorite movies of all time and during his adventures he is known to use "Dang" as an explicative. Well, I guess, the phrase has stuck and whenever it is appropriate, Rob and I both tend to drop the big "d" word. It is hilarious how Sam gets stuck on something and can't get it out of his mind until something new can fill its place. I took the kids to Target today to do some quick shopping and while rolling through the aisles, Sam must have told every person that we passed that, "mama said dang". The looks on the faces were priceless and most everyone chuckled, especially the moms who were thinking that they too had experienced a "dang" moment and was remembering their own child repeating it back to them or to a total stranger. I have to laugh and appreciate these moments of such pure innocence and curiosity, because I am sure that as he grows older and more aware of his surroundings that he will be questioning more than my slip of "mama said dang".

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, so that it may benefit those who listen.

Ephesians 4:29-32


Racing & Relaxing

Rob and I got away this weekend to Charleston without the kids! Rob's main reason for heading to the coast was to participate and help coordinate the LowCountry Volkswagon Cycling Team's annual bike race. It was a beautiful weekend and the race was a total success. Saturday races were held at I'on and Sunday was at Hampton Park. Rob raced very well and even won some$$! Always a good thing, right?? I got a chance to rest a little and sleep in until 7:30, yah! I mainly got an opportunity to do some running around that I normally don't attempt to do with the babies. It was great fun and a blessing to get to revisit our old hometown. I felt a little sentimental crossing the bridge and visiting some our favorite restaurants, but overall I was chomping at the bit to get back home on Sunday to get resettled and see my sweet children. It does a soul good to rest and rejuvenate and it also makes you appreciate what you get to come home to. I do love being at home with our children and wouldn't change a thing. For those of you reading this, thinking that " I can't believe we didn't even know they were here", we'll we are sorry for the discreet visit, but honestly it was so last minute for me to come along, that I didn't get a chance to call anyone. I really just got up each morning, went running, drank coffee, shopped a little and watched Rob race. Next visit we promise to see everyone! Also, I got to visit the new James Island campus for Seacoast and it ROCKED! I loved it and thought everyone organizing the service was great and Nate's band was terrific. Those of you who can, should go visit! Well, hope everyone has a great week!

We ran into our friends, Carmen & Frank Avinger! So great to see them!


Happy Birthday...Do again??

So, it is more birthday photo ops and more video footage, but I couldn't resist. Just endulge a mother's heart and see how precious we think he is. This video is quick and to the point, but I can tell you that after you watch it, you will know why. At the end of the candles being blown out listen for Sam to tell us "do again." So, what do you think we did? That's right...we did it again and again and again!! He is only 2 once, right??

Here are some other pictures of the 50" Elmo balloon that Nana & Papa brought over as a surprise!! He loves it! He dances around the house and puts Elmo on his shoulders, just like Daddy does him. It is very fun!


It's Birthday Cake People and I'm 2!!

(Be Sure to Turn Off the Music Player before watching...Press Pause!)

We can hardly believe that it has been 2 years since God blessed us with Sam. So much has happened and we are amazed some days we have made it this far without cracking. Being new parents has been a wild and exciting ride for sure and has taught both Rob and me a TON!! For instance, I had no idea that a newborn was capable of projectile vomiting a good 3 feet at every feeding and still meet & exceed every growth marker out there. Reflux was especially humbling. Rob was not aware that a baby was capable of holding his poop for 5-6 days and was definitely not expecting the measures we had to endure to get him to finally go...phew!!

We have been overwhelmed with love and adoration for Sam from the moment he was conceived, but we grow more and more in love with him daily now that he is becoming a person and showing such determination and zeal for life. He is always "testing" us and seeing just how far he can go without repercussions. He is so thoughtful and smart and has an extremely tender heart. He doesn't like it when anyone is expressing pain or crying i.e. Kate. He covers his eyes and looks away anytime she is quite endearing. He loves to be outside and to "go higher" in the swing and really enjoys dancing and playing the guitar. There are so many moments that I wish we had the soundtrack to, in order to preserve the innocence and outright craziness!!

We will forever cherish the moment his precious life was given to us by our Lord God and will raise him to love the Lord to the best of our ability. In our daily prayers we pray that he will be a mighty warrior for the Kingdom of God. Sam, we love you and wish you the happiest of birthdays a little 2 year old boy could ever have. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!


40 Days and Nights at The DeFoor House

1. Kate is crawling up a storm and even faster when being pursued.

2. Sam is talking up a storm and making 4 and 5 word sentences!!

3. Rob just participated in a bike race and got 3rd place...Yay Rob!!

4. Loran just started running again after a long hiatus...really sore:)

5. We just unpacked the last of the last of our moving boxes (3months later.)

6. We have found a new church home (Shannon Forest Presbyterian).

7. We all miss Charleston, but are loving the Upstate.

8. The pollen count here is unreal already and we have runny noses.

9. We have also found an awesome small group and love it!

10. Rob is working hard getting our playset ground cover all ready for spring.

11. We have two birthdays coming up (Sam will be two and Kate will be one!!)

12. Sam attempted his first swimming lesson (didn't love it, but we will try again next week.)

13. Our culdesac is almost more house to finish it off. (good riddance red mud.)

14. We have taken away all videos from Sam...(we have a strategy...we'll let you know the outcome later.)

15. Rob and I attempting to have date night once a week, where we turn off the tv and computer and solely focus on us:)

16. I am hooked on American Idol ( I love Brooke White & Michael Johns)

17. Kate would prefer to eat all foods on her own and is well on her way to success.

18. Kate has 6 teeth with four bursting through any day.

19. Rob has moved his office 2 miles from home vs. 40 miles...much easier commute.

20. We are looking for a good home for our Bichon (any takers???)

21. I am becoming more and more convinced that vaccinations are linked to health issues (autism & other issues).

22. The Holy Spirit has shown up just in the right moments lately and given me beautiful answers to my perplexed mind. ( I guess I am finally listening).

23. Sam & Kate love to dance and play guitar to "Our Song" by Taylor Swift...I love Taylor Swift

24. Sam's favorite snack right now is "bears"...or animal crackers

25. Kate's favorite snack are puffs.

26. I definitely don't have pregnancy envy when I see a beautiful pregnant lady...which translates into knowing we are set with two babies...for now:)

27. The kids love to hear daddy play guitar and dance around the den.

28. Kate is still splashing so much in the tub that if Sam could express his angst he would for sure tell her to get her own tub.

29. Sam's favorite book is "I'm a Big Brother" by Ronne Randall & Kristina Stephenson

30. Kate is busy checking out "Happy Baby Words"

31. My biggest challenge right now is finding time for QT...imagine that??

32. Sam is obsessed with Veggie of the reasons for the disappearance of all the dvds

33. I always tivo The Ellen Show, mainly because I love the dancing and funny games segment

34. Rob always tivos anything cycling related.

35. Our next big project around the house is to clean out the garage so we can fit both cars in.

36. Sam's favorite saying is "Watch Mommy" when I am cooking in the kitchen.

37. Sam's favorite time of day is "Ticky Time" in the morning when Rob rough houses and tickles Sam until he is about to pass out.

38. Due to neighborhood construction, Kate takes naps in our closet!!

39. Even though Rob and I have 3x the amount of closet space than before, our closet still looks to be busting at the seams.

40. Rob's latest conclusion : Upstate Dirt is much heavier than Lowcountry Dirt!!

Following Our Simple Yet Eventful Life