
Racing & Relaxing

Rob and I got away this weekend to Charleston without the kids! Rob's main reason for heading to the coast was to participate and help coordinate the LowCountry Volkswagon Cycling Team's annual bike race. It was a beautiful weekend and the race was a total success. Saturday races were held at I'on and Sunday was at Hampton Park. Rob raced very well and even won some$$! Always a good thing, right?? I got a chance to rest a little and sleep in until 7:30, yah! I mainly got an opportunity to do some running around that I normally don't attempt to do with the babies. It was great fun and a blessing to get to revisit our old hometown. I felt a little sentimental crossing the bridge and visiting some our favorite restaurants, but overall I was chomping at the bit to get back home on Sunday to get resettled and see my sweet children. It does a soul good to rest and rejuvenate and it also makes you appreciate what you get to come home to. I do love being at home with our children and wouldn't change a thing. For those of you reading this, thinking that " I can't believe we didn't even know they were here", we'll we are sorry for the discreet visit, but honestly it was so last minute for me to come along, that I didn't get a chance to call anyone. I really just got up each morning, went running, drank coffee, shopped a little and watched Rob race. Next visit we promise to see everyone! Also, I got to visit the new James Island campus for Seacoast and it ROCKED! I loved it and thought everyone organizing the service was great and Nate's band was terrific. Those of you who can, should go visit! Well, hope everyone has a great week!

We ran into our friends, Carmen & Frank Avinger! So great to see them!


Mandy said...

Sam is too precious on his birthday..what special days birthdays are! Kendall Gail will be 3 May 25th. So glad you all had fun here in Charleston. It was a beautiful weekend! Hope all is well...Love, Mandy

The Tylers said...

How fun! Jamie is trying to get me to leave Thomas for a weekend but I just haven't brought myself to do it. However, they left for 7hours last Sat and I felt like a new woman! The kiddos are just precious!

Following Our Simple Yet Eventful Life