
Bathtime Mischief

Bathtime around our house is always a hoot...now it usually wears Rob and me slap out, but nonetheless it is always FUN! As you can see from the pictures we still have to put Kate in her own separate tub inside the big tub to shield her from the shenanigans of her brother, but she loves it because this means she has free reign to splash as much as she wants in her own "private" tub. Sometimes Sam just looks at her like "listen girl, you are going to have to control yourself." Another reason I love bathtime with the babies, is because they smell so amazing afterwards and I will forever treasure that aroma. I will be sad when they stop letting me lather them up with lavender scented lotion. To be honest, bedtime rituals is probably my favorite time, because they both become so cuddly and sweet when their eyes are growing tired. They both love their beds and enjoy crawling in and cuddling with their "lovies". Hope everyone has a good week and Happy Bathing!!


Robinson Family said...

Hooray for bath pictures! We just posted some too. I have to admit that two looks like a lot more fun the bath than one...

The Tylers said...

Cute, cute, cute! I am not a fan of bathtime but thankfully, that is Jamie's cup of tea! I love your website because it reminds me to be thankful for those fun times...even if they are exhausting! I am sorry to hear about your grandfather but the post was a wonderful tribute to his life. Hope you guys are doing well.

Following Our Simple Yet Eventful Life