
It's Birthday Cake People and I'm 2!!

(Be Sure to Turn Off the Music Player before watching...Press Pause!)

We can hardly believe that it has been 2 years since God blessed us with Sam. So much has happened and we are amazed some days we have made it this far without cracking. Being new parents has been a wild and exciting ride for sure and has taught both Rob and me a TON!! For instance, I had no idea that a newborn was capable of projectile vomiting a good 3 feet at every feeding and still meet & exceed every growth marker out there. Reflux was especially humbling. Rob was not aware that a baby was capable of holding his poop for 5-6 days and was definitely not expecting the measures we had to endure to get him to finally go...phew!!

We have been overwhelmed with love and adoration for Sam from the moment he was conceived, but we grow more and more in love with him daily now that he is becoming a person and showing such determination and zeal for life. He is always "testing" us and seeing just how far he can go without repercussions. He is so thoughtful and smart and has an extremely tender heart. He doesn't like it when anyone is expressing pain or crying i.e. Kate. He covers his eyes and looks away anytime she is quite endearing. He loves to be outside and to "go higher" in the swing and really enjoys dancing and playing the guitar. There are so many moments that I wish we had the soundtrack to, in order to preserve the innocence and outright craziness!!

We will forever cherish the moment his precious life was given to us by our Lord God and will raise him to love the Lord to the best of our ability. In our daily prayers we pray that he will be a mighty warrior for the Kingdom of God. Sam, we love you and wish you the happiest of birthdays a little 2 year old boy could ever have. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!


Anne said...

Happy Birthday, Sam! I bet your cake sure tasted great! Congratulations, Mom and Dad!

Anne said...

That's me, Anne, from up the street as "leonard," by the way. I can't get Blogger to log me in as myself. I have no idea why...

Following Our Simple Yet Eventful Life