
Sam's First Haircut

Sam is 2o months old and has never had a haircut, nor has he needed one. He really didn't start getting hair until he was 12 months and even then it was very fine and just wispy. Well, over the last 8 months his hair has begun to grow and grow in all different directions. He still doesn't have a lot of hair, but what he does have seems to have a mind of its own. It was time for some today we ventured to "Jelly Beanz" a real cool childrens haircut salon. They were very prepared to handle any situation, but fortunately Sam handled himself beautifully. He was wiggly, but stayed in control the entire time and even said "please" and "thank you" to Jessica (his stylist.) He got a balloon on the way out (which mama accidentally let fly out the window while strapping me in the carseat.) Nana came along for the ride, held Kate during the haircut so I could take some photos of the big event! I couldn't have managed without her because she was ready to eat the moment we walked in the door:) Here are some of the before, during and after shots of sweet Sam. He makes a mama proud.

Every Which Way Hair
Waiting on Jessica
Checking out the local magazines in the waiting area

The first couple of snips

Whoa Mom, don't let her get my ear!!
Just like Daddy
Thank goodness for Elmo Ernie and the Gang
I said please and Jessica let me hold the yellow wand that she used to brush my hair off my clothes.

This is pretty fun!
Look how smooth and even...Intervention Successful!!

1 comment:

Robinson Family said...

Adorable! It brought tears to my eyes realizing they really do grow up and sometime Riley will be in big boy Sam's shoes. Whoa! Way to go mom on the successful snipping!

Following Our Simple Yet Eventful Life