
And Then There Were POPSICLES!!

This last Tuesday was more like a Monday for so many reasons. For some reason the kids woke up extra early, which kind of seems to get things off to an irregular start and then from there things just got more crazy and chaotic! First I got Katie down for a nap around 9:15 and as soon as Sam and I were getting into our morning activities, we had an entourage of people show up at the house. First it was the power company, who were coming to try and find our electric problem that seemed to buried deep in the earth somewhere, but they didn't know where?? We had been with about 40% voltage power for 5 days or so and they couldn't explain it. After the power company arrived and gave the doorbell a good couple of rings the landscaping crew showed up to figure out why our front sprinkler system keeps flooding, still another unknown problem, that they were going to try and figure out by digging deep in the earth. Oh and by the way, all of this is going on right outside Kate's window. Next, the street cleaners decide today is the day they are going to give our culdesac a good thorough cleaning. They do this by blasting a huge "firefighter" powered hose right onto the pavement to clean off the beautiful red clay that gathers due to all the construction in the neighborhood. By now, I am just waiting for Kate to start crying because it sounds like a war zone in our front yard. Through all of this, Sam and I are outside watching all the big trucks and water flying by. He is loving it:) I don't have power because the power company has shut down all power to look for the problem, so therefore I do not have a monitor to hear if Katie even is crying, so we decide we better head in so we can hear her. Well, about the time we got back in, you guessed it, the doorbell rang again, and YES, I have a very obvious sign on my front door, that says, "Please don't ring bell, Nap in Progress." Doesn't Matter. The power guys says that he is going to turn the power back on and that was great however, I left the lights on in Kate's room so.....Here comes the power and Katie is Up!! Anyhow, this was just the morning and for some reason the rest of the day, just didn't go smoothly or I should say as I would have liked, for those of you who know me and my schedule, you know what I am talking about. As the late afternoon arrived, I could tell that I was going to need to come up with something clever to keep my sanity and keep the kids peaceful. Tuesday nights are Rob's night to go ride his bike, so I decided after an early dinner we would stroll the neighborhood and eat popsicles. Good idea, right?? The kids thought so and that's all that matters, but the mess they made was of massive proportions. I so enjoyed watching their faces and giggling as the popsicle melted all over their hands and as Kate dropped it down her dress. Both of their faces were stained and stayed stained for another 24 hours even after a really good bath. After I hosed them down and the stroller, we had a huge bubble bath, read books and headed straight for bed. They didn't make a peep!! So, when in need of a good laugh and a fun way to pass the time, go straight to the freezer and bring out the Popsicles!!

1 comment:

Robinson Family said...

Ha! I saw Sam without seeing the title of your entry and thought he had a bloody nose. Whew! Just popsicle culprits. Nothing like being a kid on a warm day.

Following Our Simple Yet Eventful Life