
Windy Afternoon at the Park with Friends

After nap today we jumped in the car and headed to the park for some afternoon playtime with friends. It was extremely windy today, so much so that Maggie was having a hard time standing up.  It was absolutely beautiful though and I got to catch up with my sweet friend Stephanie.  We have a hard time connecting because we stay so busy and because our schedules are kind of opposite.  She and I initially met 2 years ago at the mall play area.  Ever since then we have been fast friends.  I love friends like that...ones that you just immediately connect with and enjoy hanging out together.  Her kids are precious and are just about the same age as ours.  We are going to try and make this a monthly playdate.  Thanks Steph for a fun afternoon!!

 Maggie hanging onto the park fence trying to stand up!!
 Sam soaking up the rays and swinging to his own beat!
 Boys just having fun!!  Probably trying to out pump each other.
 The girls smiling and swinging!
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